tennis NEWS

Handicaps and rankings: recent IRTC decisions

Oct 13, 2010
The IRTC has recently approved a changes to the arrangements for classifying and recording results for Category 1 players and a number of other handicap and ranking related matters.

These changes are set out in full at �

RTO administrators are asked to note one specific aspect of these changes:

With effect from 1 September 2010, the results of any player, irrespective of his or her amateur or professional status, whose Singles handicap as recorded on RTO is 5 or less after rounding (Category 1 player) will only be effective for adjusting his or her handicap where the match played forms part of a competitive tournament. For these purposes, a competitive tournament is any match organised under the authority of one of the National Associations or the IRTPA and shown on RTO as a Sanctioned Tournament.

This restriction on Category 1 players� handicap adjustments has required the creation of a list of 'sanctioned tournaments', being those tournaments where matches played by Category 1 players will be valid for handicap purposes. RTO has been amended to include such a list of Sanctioned Tournaments in the form of a drop down list which can be accessed when the weighting �Competitive (IHSC Sanctioned)� is chosen. �The list of Sanctioned Tournaments has been agreed by the National Associations and the IRTPA, and is intended to include all relevant competitive tournaments. Further tournaments may be added with the approval of your National Association; in the event you think a tournament has been missed and should be added, you should contact your local handicapping authority.�

This advice is included in a Guidance Note to RTO administrators which can be viewed on line at �

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