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NEW Real Tennis Book Release

Oct 09, 2015

Real Tennis Today and Yesterday, by John Shneerson, is a fascinating account of tennis from its origins to the present. It tells how and why tennis spread across Europe, America and Australia to become the game it is today; it looks at how history and technology have shaped the game and the important people who have played and influenced this wonderful sport. Attractively presented with over 600 illustrations, this book provides new answers to many of tennis’s mysteries.

Please see page 56 of the Annual Report for more details.

Ordering information: Coffee table hardback edition £35 + £8 UK p&p

Leather-bound limited edition £175 + £10 UK p&p

Please order from: Ronaldson Publications, 13a Linkside Avenue Oxford OX2 8HY. Tel: 01865 318183 or email or online at

Order Form

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