* Scottish National Handicap Championships 2022
Jun 02, 2022 - Jun 05, 2022 Radley M Henderson-Tew
Congratulations to Andy Keeley, who won the Singles trophy, and to Matthew and David Anderson who won the Doubles.
The annals shall record the new names to be engraved on the fine Pol Roger trophies. Congratulations to Andy Keeley, who won the Singles trophy, beating Matthew Anderson in the Final, and to the debutants Matthew and his father David Anderson who won the Doubles, beating Maggie Henderson-Tew and James Dron.
The tournament was, as always, a joy to run because of those taking part, who were a splendidly sociable and enthusiastic crew: modest in victory, gracious in defeat and who played all the rubbers in a spirit of friendly but fierce competition. The number of nail-biting 5-all sets was a credit to the handicapper and a worry to the time-keeper, but somehow we managed to complete the event by 19.55, if time for a members’ booking at 20.00. Perfect! Grateful thanks to our splendid sponsors, Pol Roger and Tunnock’s.
The photo of the trio comprises: Singles Champ, Andy Keeley, and the Doubles winners, Matthew and David Anderson, holding their fine Pol Roger trophies. The group shot shows some of the competitors and the Pros, CJR and Josh King, who did a fine job of marking all weekend.